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Love Even Louder

This probably should’ve been titled “Unpopular Opinion” because I know many people have not in the past and still may not agree with me on the topic and that is okay. However, I believe what I am going to say is very important in my life and maybe someone else will too.

I think everyone has someone in their life who they aspire to be; someone who has made a huge impact in their life. Many might have that celebrity inspiration that is God fearing and has awesome legs (cough cough Carrie Underwood). For some it is their older siblings who have won every medal known to man because they are so athletic. For others it might be their mom who is pretty much a superhero by all the tasks she can do in a day, or their dad who never ceases to give up his dreams to make theirs come true. While I have amazing parents who I wouldn’t trade for the world and definitely posses those qualities and my sisters (although they are not athletic) are my “ride or die” partners. (do people even say that anymore?) The person in my life who I aspire to be might look a little different than yours. My grandma is the most selfless human being I have ever encountered in my life. Her heart is as big as they come and she never once wastes an opportunity to show love to someone in need. She goes out of her way for everyone and even cooks 2-3 different meals on Sunday nights for our family so that someone always has something they like to eat. Maybe you have a grandma like that or maybe you don’t. I say that to emphasis that she put her needs and wants on the back burner to show love (a Jesus type of love) to anyone and everyone.

I want to point out that my grandma doesn’t just love everyone. She “Jesus” loves them. I know that is pretty much impossible to love like Jesus loves because as the Bible has showed us, Jesus gave up his life for you and I. He took away our sin and our eternal damnation for nothing. It was a gift and all we have to do it receive it. But she is as close to that Jesus love as I have ever experienced in a human being. I aspire to have that quality. Out of all the qualities that a person can have, I want that Jesus type of love at the top of mine.

I do not think anyone would disagree to love others, however I believe the unpopular opinion that I talked about earlier is this: to love and forgive others as much as possible. Even when they don’t ask for forgiveness. Even when they continue to hurt us. Even when they show no sign of remorse. This is where people tend to disagree with me because they believe this reaches the point of being “walked on” or “taken advantage of”. I see it differently. I believe that Jesus is our example here. He came down from heaven, to an earth full of his creation who are the most ungrateful beings on the planet. He came as a servant. He was mocked, made fun of, denied, spit on, stripped of his clothes, and hung on a cross while people laughed at him. But it doesn’t stop there! He died KNOWING that not everyone would appreciate it. He died KNOWING that people would still reject him. He died KNOWING that people would not follow him. But he died because of love! If there was anyone who was “walked on” or “taken advantage of” it was Jesus. Yet that did not stop him from doing it.

The world tells us that we should love others but if they start being mean to us or don’t show that same love in return...then it’s okay to stop loving them. Jesus tells us to love others no matter how they treat us. So I say this to you: love even louder than the day before, forgive even more than you did, go out of your way for the next person you come in contact with. Love like Jesus and don’t stop until you get called home.

With Love,


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I'm a Senior at Blue Mountain College obtaining my degree in Elementary Education. I started this Blog during the midst of Covid 19, when I felt God was laying on my heart to share the things I struggle with. I hope my blogs not only help me, but allow you to understand you are not alone.


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