See You Later
The question is always asked “why do good people die” or “why is there so much pain in the world” and I can answer that with one simple word…
Sin is the foundation of hurt, anger, depression, worry.
Sin is where life starts and ends…
But so are miracles.
Today we are burring my granddad…and it seems unreal. We keep waiting for him to come through that door.. but it is never him opening it. I keep praying for pain to be taken away from my grandma, my dad, aunt, sister, myself… and yet we end up still crying- you know, the one where you can barely catch your breath.
They say laughter is the medicine to sadness.. and I would agree, but I think there is more to it. I believe you have to cry and grieve before you can truly heal from a wound.
We believe and have been taught that to grieve is a sign of weakness… but I have watched my grandma pour her heart out in tears with every hug, retold story, and memory.. and she has shown to be the strongest person I know. She doesn’t bottle up feelings, she doesn’t try to hide the way she feels, she lets herself mourn and grieve.. she lefts herself be honest with herself.. and I think that is beautiful.
There is so much I could say about my granddad…
*He was a very scheduled person.
It’s Sunday at 8 am- he is playing his word game on the iPad.
It’s 9:40- he is getting ready for church.
3 pm- it’s time for Westerns.
5 pm- shower time and coffee
6 pm- dinner
*He loved his family and friends- but he showed it different than most. If he was joking with you, you knew he liked you.
*He took more pictures as a boy than he ever did in his recent years.
*He LOVED kids!
And so much more… but the one thing about my granddaddy is that God blessed him.
*God have him my grandma- the most loving, selfless person I’ve ever met.. and he needed that.
*God gave him miracles. He has been in the hospital 2 times with major problems in the last 10 years and God allowed him to stay with us for a little while longer.
*God gave us the peace of mind knowing he had a relationship with the Lord.
*God gave my granddad a quick death.. just the way he wanted.
It’s so easy to question God in moments of grief or worry. It’s easy to not see the good when you only feel the bad…
The truth is.. there is always good and there is always bad... whichever one we are looking for is the one we will find.
Sin.. it’s the brokenness of this world… it’s were all troubles spring from… but we serve a God who has never sinned, defeated death and has called us to be with him forever in eternity. That’s grace.. that’s where my granddad is.. and one day my grandma will be strolling through Heaven with him.