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Beautifully Different

With all that is going on in the world today, my heart breaks for every single soul. I get on Facebook and see people lashing out at each other who were once friends, I see the damage caused by people who are hurt by the loss of George Floyd, and I see the light shining on a problem that is too long overlooked. This blog is not to point fingers or stir up any kind of controversy. I’m writing this blog, because in the face of all of this chaos, I think everyone needs to be reminded of their worth


We are all created. That’s a fact. We are all created by a creator. Another fact. We are all created by the most perfect creator who loves us sooo much. Fact. Fact. Fact. However, I believe with a lot of people (including myself) we see the negative side of being created differently from others. I am so bound and determined to have a doppelgänger. Ask any of my friends, I want to look like someone (I really want to look like someone famous). A lot of my friends have doppelgängers and I find myself jealous because they have someone that resembles their appearance. BUT not matter how much they may look alike, they are different. Their appearance isn’t exactly the same. You want to know why? Because our God is not a copy and paste kind of God. He is a personal God.

During this time of quarantine I have received mail from all sorts of people...I’ve gotten wedding invitations, letters from credit card companies (I don’t want those), letters from the place I bought my car, so on and so on. But the letter I remember the most and cherish the most is a letter I got from a sweet youth at our church. She hand wrote me a letter and mailed it to me. It was so personal and I know she took the time to sit down and write that letter especially for me. On the other hand, the letters from the car dealership and credit card companies were already typed up letters. Yes they might add your name in the salutation, but the rest is copy and pasted. Looking back on your life, you will remember the things that people took the time to do just for you. You will remember the times that were different. It is what makes it special. We as humans cling to the fact of being just like everyone else, but we yearn for difference.

I remember when I was younger, I had two role models that I wanted to be just like. When I say “just like” I literally mean I wanted to look, sound, act, do, everything just like them. These two role models were Miley Cyrus and Sadie I am typing this out I am actually laughing a little because now those two ladies are total opposites of each other, but there were qualities about each one that I liked so much and almost envied. There was one thing I loved in particular about both of them and that was their boldness for God. I remember while watching a Kid’s Choice Awards one day as a kid, Miley Cyrus had won an award and the first thing she said was “I want to thank God for allowing me to get here” and wow that has stuck with me ever since. She was so different from everyone else because she thanked her maker before acknowledging anything or anyone else. Sadie Robinson really caught my attention when she made a comment (I think it was on social media) about being different. She told the story of a painter. This painter took the time to make this painting so beautiful and as soon as the painter had the painting just how they wanted it, they displayed it for everyone to see. As it was on display, this critic came by and pointed out things that were wrong with the painting. Something this painter had envisioned in their head of exactly how they wanted it to be, and someone who knew nothing about what the painting was suppose to look like came by and pointed out what was “wrong”. Sadie went on to say that we do that with God. He created us a certain way and it was exactly how he wanted us to look and be and yet we criticize God’s creation all the time. She is so right, and I think the reason I still hold on to this story is because I am still guilty of this today.

We are made to be different. We are made to be different from the person right next to us. We are made to be different from our parents. We are made to be different from our friends, neighbors, role models, the world. Because you are made to be you. You are made to be a child of God. Embrace that difference!

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” A perfect God created us in his image! Every single one of us. Not just the Jews. Not just the gentiles. Not just Jesus. Not just Adam and Eve. Everyone.

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 states this so beautifully, and encourage you to read it! We are all one body made up of many parts. Verse 17 says “if the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell?”

When he created you and me, he created us with differences that would work together with those around us. Let’s stop using those differences to divide us and start letting those differences draw us closer in order for the body to function properly. Let us come together to do the work God set us here to do. And let’s be so grateful for a God who is not a copy and paste creator.

To all my brothers and sisters of color out there: my heart is with you. I’m so sorry for the pain this world has caused you! I’m sorry this has went on so long. I’m sorry that you felt like you didn’t have a voice. I can only speak for myself, but I am here with ears and arms wide open. 💕

With Love,


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I'm a Senior at Blue Mountain College obtaining my degree in Elementary Education. I started this Blog during the midst of Covid 19, when I felt God was laying on my heart to share the things I struggle with. I hope my blogs not only help me, but allow you to understand you are not alone.


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